Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring At Last!

The weather is warming up and the kids are out playing with the neighbourhood kids every day. 
It's a new level of freedom for them, being able to play in the street and ride bikes for hours on end.

As I type I can look out the front room window and see them playing with chalk on a friend's driveway.

The weather today is t-shirt weather yet yesterday we woke up to a glistening, snow covered yard. The snow lasted long enough for the kids to play in but was mostly gone by lunch. 
We haven't had to shovel our driveway since being in our new house so we won't know 'till next winter if we bought good snow shovels. 

Jack the puppy is adjusting to life in our house. He has found the best hiding spots and worked out that Chelsea is the morning person. She wakes up first so she takes him out to the back yard for morining business. We usually wake to an excited "He's done wee's and a poo! I saw him do a POO!"A surprisingly welcome report for us each morning.

Isabelle has found a good hiding spot of her own. When she gets in trouble she hides in a great little cubby hole in Chelsea's castle bed. She has lined it will blankets and she can block the entrance with a pillow to complete the seclusion.

George and his toy puppy are never far from each other except when I can wrestle him off to the washing machine.


Last weekend we went to Famous Dave's Steakhouse with Heidi and Scott. Our wonderful neighbours babysat the kids and we went on a child free date. We ordered a platter for 4 and ate till our tummies hurt. 

We then went to 'The Sweet Tooth Fairy'- a wonderful cupcake shop that is worth getting fat for.
We are really excited about being here. The people have been so welcoming, the kids are having a great time and we feel like life is good. Now all we need, to make it perfect, is for all our Aussie family and friends to move here too... thats not asking too much is it?


  1. Yeah it isn't that much to ask for... I would be over there this second If mum and dad let me! I am sick of Australia!!!!!

  2. LOVELY photos!!!! What cute kids!
    love, Mum

  3. nice cupcakes. i think you guys need to weigh in each week...

  4. pay for my ticket and i'll be on the next flight :) miss you xxx
